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Devil Trigger Nero, Pt. 2

In total, I'm guessing the actual painting and filming of everything took 7 hours. This was the first time I had an idea for an IG reel, so I knew I had to time things differently than I would for a regular photo shoot. A few bits were filmed the night before using a couple of Father's Day props - I did finally remember that the prompt for this paint was Father's Day and my love of doing a snarky Vergil and Nero posts - and the rest were done the following morning.

The paint itself was fairly simple. I first marked out the red lines that go from Nero's eyes to the base of the neck, then filled them in. I used a white eyeliner to edge roughly where the shoulder scales would be so I didn't get paint where I wanted to put spirit gum later. Then it was simply a matter of layering green, blue, and grey paints to get to the shade I wanted.

(And of course in the middle of this paint, my neighbor's Pomeranians managed to escape into my backyard. I'm usually able to round them up but that wasn't possible this time, what with my arms being covered in paint and my wearing a tube top lol.)

And so begins a five hour journey and a very stiff back.

Turning blue

Adding a little green and reminding myself to trust the process

Nero Grey achieved!

First scales are on. Spirit gum for the initial attachment, liquid latex for some seaming. And way, way too much drying time

I cannot overstate how much my back and shoulders hurt by this point

Nearing the finish line! Paint has been added in between the scales and the adhesives touched up

Details added! The only things I did after this was paint the arms up to the wrists and do some touchups around the eyes after putting contacts in

Simple steps, but still a decent amount of time to let things dry and settle in between. I wish I'd had the stamina to add more details, but by this point everything hurt and I wanted to start filming.

One quick note that I did try to create the top parts of Nero's wings to settle in between the scales. In game, that part normally rests there so most of his art and screenshots contain it. I wasn't thrilled with the way parts of it were coming out, so I scrapped it, but I know I'll be able to use it for my last shoot of the year, so the clear worbla won't be a complete waste.

And that's it! Not a bad turnout for my first bodypaint, I'd say. And it's one of the few photo sets that's gotten traction on Twitter/X/Twix? so I have another one planned for next year. That should involve a lot less color layering at least. And I'll plan that for a time when my dad is available to help wrangle dogs if necessary. They like him a lot.

Wig was from Arda Wigs; Contact lenses from Mocoqueen; All paints from Mehron (cream sticks).

Job well done! Pinky out!


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